Friday, May 25, 2018

25 May 2018

This song could be about the end of a marriage. I think that's how the artist meant it. But it could also be a song about how God holds us in his ever-loving arms. Oh Lord, this has been a bad dream, for certain. Also certain: I'm here in His arms.

Friday, May 18, 2018

18 May 2018

Under the Whitehurst Freeway in the rain
It smells
Of grilled meat, and 
Of the inside of taxi cabs 
Before there was Uber.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

17 May 2018

There are no words
For anybody but me.
I managed to sprain my finger yesterday
Without even noticing
This morning it is stiff and hard to bend
As I wipe up tiny clear thorns of glass
The remains of the Mason jar my son dropped in the kitchen
While he was trying to help.

The jar shattered and flew
Already gritty floors suddenly studded with glassy shards
Hiding, barely catching the light
Waiting to hobble us after breakfast.
And the boy is big now, almost half my weight
Too tall and broad to pick up
And spin around in my arms
Too big, maybe, for me to make everything