Thursday, February 5, 2009

He's here!

Henry was born on January 19 in Washington, DC. The next day, in our hospital room, the three of us (well, my husband and I anyway) watched the inauguration going on across town as we got to know our new son. The three of us. Such a happy day. Welcome home, Henry.


Firefly Nights said...

Congratulations on your new son. I'll bet you were glad he didn't wait to arrive the next day. You might not have made it to the hospital through all the traffic.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Fabulous child of ours.

Robin said...

Congratulations!!!! He's adorable. :)

kate said...

Congratulations! He is so beautiful.

Amanda Jean said...

congratulations! i hope all is going well in your house! he's a cutie pie!