Monday, June 2, 2008

Baby Quilt 2 of 4: For a girl

So I guess I'm rolling right through the "popular" internet quilts right now, huh? This one is an hourglass quilt for the baby of a friend who's due in September. This quilt was made entirely from stashed materials, which feels pretty good. I used the measurements that AmandaJean gave over at crazymomquilts-- seven blocks by seven blocks, and it's finished at about 35 inches square. These quilts are pretty small, but I think they'll be good for wrapping up a little baby, don't you?
The quilting came much easier on this one (practice makes perfect, I guess), but I think the white Kona cotton must be a little stiffer than some of the other colors. The brown and orange and blue quilt came out of the dryer feeling much softer than this one did. Has anyone else had this experience with the white Kona cotton?
This is probably the best photo of the quilt. I just threw it out on top of the tall grass (yet to be made into hay) at the farm and snapped away. Summer certainly can grow up some good photo assistants!


Amanda Jean said...

oh, Louise, it. is. gorgeous!!!! fabulous job! I love the setting in which you photographed it as well.

Stacy A. said...

Louise, I don't think I have commented very often here, so wanted to let you know you have a very satisfied lurker. I love hearing about your days out with your horse and in with your crafts. This blanket is gorgeous, and looks perfect in the tall grass. It makes me want to grab a book and lemonade and lay down right there.

I keep wanting to try again at making clothes for myself...but it ends up being again and I know how you feel. I usually have to make a few things I know I can do before I go back. You have a great week! Love Stacy

Louise said...

Thanks for the positive comments! This one was so fun to make.

Stacy, thanks for de-lurking-- good to know someone's out there. Tomorrow I hope to spend part of the day just lying in the grass and reading-- it's been a really long week.

Anonymous said...

It's very pretty. I love the purples and greens together.