Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rainy day: Flowers inside

It's a bit rainy today, so I've taken photos of the lovely flowers that I've been able to bring inside this spring. Does anyone know what this is? It's rather woody, a little gangly, and was covered in those tiny hot pink buds for almost a month before the star-shaped lighter pink ones opened. The flowers are clustered almost like on a hydrangea. Here's a photo of what the whole plant looked like earlier in the spring. *ETA: Mountain laurel! (Maybe kalmia latifolia) Just stumbled across my own answer by accident today.
These are peonies from my grandmother's garden. The beautiful just-pink and yellow one on the left is called raspberry sundae. Isn't that beautiful? Our house is kind of small and not so well-lit, so the counter top beside the sink is the best place to display fleurs. There, I see them often.

Also, Happy Anniversary to my cousin Krista and her husband Brad!


Anonymous said...

i dont know what they are, but they're very pretty flowers.

Tacoma flowers

Firefly Nights said...

Peonies are lovely so we finally bought a small bush but can't decide where to plant it.

If you go up to Skyline drive in the late spring/early summer you'll find a lot of the Mountain Laurel.

Louise said...

Thanks, all. Firefly: I'm actually surprised that these mountain laurel are doing so well here.