Friday, April 25, 2008


Wow, this is my 100th post. I meant to post something more interesting in honor of the occasion, but I'm afraid it will only be more Dear Jane blocks. So here we go. At least this batch means I'm only two blocks behind on my quilt-along.
This is A-13, Starlight Starbright. I really like the way it turned out, even if the inset seams did get a little wonky. It's fun to work with some blue fabric for a change, too-- there'll be so little of it in my interpretation of this quilt.This is B-1, Bachelor's Buttons, reverse applique. I like to think I'm getting a little better at this applique business. It certainly is easier to applique a circle than a teardrop.

Oh, and a little anecdote that has nothing to do with crafting: Wednesday night I was standing at my ironing board in our basement when I heard a buzzing noise, growing louder, in the bathroom. I found several yellow jackets buzzing around the windows and lights in the room, and then I opened the door to the bathroom and it was like a horror movie. At least two hundred yellow jackets were swarming behind the curtains of the window facing the back of the house, back lit by the setting sun. I was just waiting for them to come after me. There was nothing to do but close the bathroom door, call the exterminator and spend the rest of the evening upstairs. Yikes. But maybe I can blame my lack of posting on the wasps?


kate said...

We have had similar horrors in our old house in the woods! Last spring we had a yellow jacket the size of a small hummingbird in our kitchen, crawling along the rim of a pot on the stove. We now have exterminators come and do a 'barrier treatment' each month in the spring/summer/fall. I hope your problem goes away quickly and they are not nesting in the house!

Your blocks are beautiful, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I really like all of your Baby Jane blocks. It makes me want to start one too, but I have far too many projects going at the moment.

You sound like you handled the bee problem better than I would, I would have panicked.

Stacy A. said...

Congrats on 100! Thats a big deal if you ask me. Woo Hoo!

Your Dear Jane blocks are really looking nice. I can't wait to see them together (maybe I should check flickr). The colors look like they will really compliment each other.

It looks beautiful where you live. Fresh air and green pastures. What could one ask for?
Love Stacy