Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ele-thank You

We had a lovely party last weekend. My brothers came to town for the occasion, and it was so great to see them. Twenty minutes before the guests were to arrive, it was literally 100 degrees outside. Then the rain came. All of the tablecloths that I had laid out were whipped about in violent streams of water, and ended up twisted around table legs. The serving dishes sitting on the covered porch filled rapidly with rain. Twenty minutes into the party time it was still raining and dark as I sat in a rocking chair thinking about what to do if all of the guests cancelled.

And then the rain stopped, and the sky began to clear. My friend Gillian told me later that when she looked up and saw that there was enough blue sky to cut a pair of jeans out of, the party would be saved and the rain would move on.

With the rain gone, guests began to arrive, and the temperature was a beautiful (if wet) 70. The party went off without a hitch. At one point, after it got dark, I looked around the well-lit porch at the friends and family who had joined us, all these people framed by the night, and I felt a little like I was on a boat with these people in the middle of the ocean, travelling to some far-off place. And that felt pretty good.

I made these little elephant cards with the Print Gocco to thank a few special people who helped make the party good-- and I'll have about 15 left over for later use. The best part about using a fairly neutral color for printing, like this dark-ish purple/navy, is that you can complement it with almost any color envelope. Just today I sent out envelopes in purple, pink, green and orange.

Until tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the cards you make. They are always creative but simple. I think you have a good eye for design. Hope you don't mind my commenting.

Louise said...

Thanks, Ted! You're welcome to comment any time.