Sunday, December 16, 2012

15 December

Yesterday was a big deal if you are a Sumner kid.  First, both boys got haircuts.  This was George's first-ever cut.


Then, we rode the train into the city to see both Papa's office and Santa, at Macy's Herald Square.

The train photos are so precious.

They were so excited about that train.  And the train after that one, and even the final train, on the way home (although one of them fell asleep, lounging across my lap, while the baby chirruped and giggled all the way back to our stop).  They also loved Papa's office.  They stood on the air return in the glass corner of his floor and exclaimed over the Christmas lights below, completely unfazed by the height.

And Santa, well let's just say that they were less happy about Santa.  H was a deer in the headlights until the end of our two minutes with the big guy, when he told what he wanted and what G wanted.  G had already been whisked off of Santa's lap and into my arms.  Too traumatic.  Here it is:

And this is officially the most mommy-bloggy post I've ever written.  Can't help myself sometimes.