Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Knitting catch-up: Antler and Moss cardigan

Sooo, I have many many knitting projects that were never documented here.  Starting with this Antler and Moss cardigan I made almost a year ago.  I got to test-knit, and was so excited to do so.  (Look how teeny H looks!)  I really loved this pattern-- the knitting was so relaxing and yet it came out beautifully.  It was a joy to make.  I used a Virginia yarn, and knit it extra-densely so that he was able to wear it a little like a jacket.

Two issues in post-production, as it were:  1) Those pewter buttons were just too inviting to little teeth, and H ended up chewing all but two of them off; and 2) Now that I look at it in comparison to some others' projects, I think I somehow made the "antlers" upside-down.  Ah, well, lovely knit.  I only wish I had made the sleeves and body longer so he could still wear it this year.  Ravelry notes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Goodbye house

We loved our little brick house in Arlington.  When we left for the last time, I wanted to mark the occasion a little.  I made a banner, and we all told our favorite things about the house.  Then, before sitting down for a special "Goodbye house" dinner, we all sat in the grass in the front yard and made sketches of the house.  Papa and G worked on the same piece.  H's drawing is below.  From the stone walk and the smoke coming out of the chimney, to the actual semi-correctness of the rendering, I think it's wonderful.  

H is really on a huge drawing kick.  He fills pages and pages each night during our after-dinner music and art time, and there are still intricate stories to go along with each picture.  I hope I can keep him interested as the years fly by.

We will miss our sweet little first home, the place we brought our babies home, but I will always have the memory of watching my family sit on the lawn, drawing together.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bamboo forest

So now it's fall.  I've skipped over summer here.  That's because this spring my husband took a new job and we spent the summer moving from Virginia to New York.  Things are different here, but there are so very many really good things going on.  I'm trying to embrace it.

Over the weekend we went to a fall festival at the wildlife sanctuary.  There was a storyteller telling spooky stories in the "bamboo forest".  My kids could have stayed in there all day, shaking the stalks and climbing around, and I was happy because the light was really cool.  More soon.